Thursday, February 20, 2020

Housing association governance puts the interests of the organisation Coursework

Housing association governance puts the interests of the organisation above those of residents. Discuss - Coursework Example hort a Housing Association is a society or company established for the purpose of providing; constructing; improving or managing; facilitating and encouraging the construction or improvement of housing accommodation. Housing associations are not governed by the state or the government. It is a privately functioning body that aims to provide people of all categories with the type of homes they need in their desirable location. The association consists of a board of members, senior officers who have knowledge about this sector, and some volunteers. The targeted groups for housing association can be older people, disabled people, young people, bachelors, couples, or any other type of people who are looking for homes to buy or for rent. The housing association is earning a great amount of money through this property dealing business as the housing has become expensive, especially in larger cities, which makes it difficult for people to find suitable homes for themselves. Good governance in the housing association is fundamental to establishing successful organisations. It enables them to deliver their aims and objectives and, in particular, deliver excellent quality services to tenants, ensure the proper use of public funding, and safeguard the reputation of the sector. The housing association governance operates according to the law and their constitutions; it is headed by an effective board with a sufficient range of expertise and executive arrangements that gives capable leadership and control. Housing association maintains the highest standards of integrity in all their dealings; it protects public investment and is responsive to residents’ views and priorities. Further the duties of housing association governance includes dealing with the Housing Corporation in an open and co-operative manner, notifying any anticipated or actual violation of the Code or anything that might significantly affect its ability to fulfil its obligations under the Code and de-track

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Compare and Contrast - Cognitive Theorists PS240 WK3 Term Paper

Compare and Contrast - Cognitive Theorists PS240 WK3 - Term Paper Example rder to understand the meaning of the aforementioned statement, one needs to first understand what theory Piaget and Vygotsky presented to the experts in the past. It was Jean Piaget who first presented the idea that a child is not capable of learning any particular activity or understanding certain thoughts unless he is matured enough to do so. His theory advocates the belief that a child matures in â€Å"spurts† and is therefore not a smooth process for the child. Therefore, a child cannot be expected to the mentally mature enough to understand a school curriculum unless his mind is mature enough to grasp the concept and explanation pertaining to his lessons. Although this theory was once formerly accepted as a basis for scheduling a school curriculum, later observations and tests have proven the inaccuracy of this theory due to the continuously evolving and now almost lighting speed grasp of understanding and maturity seen in certain children, regardless of their age. It was Lev Vygotsky who advocated the theory that a child learns more through observation, while working on a Zone of Proximal Development. His theory is that a child is never too young to understand or undertake any task provided that the young individual is supervised and accompanied by an adult during the learning process. This is a theory that is more in line with the currently observed development of the mental and motor skills of various children in different stages of childhood development. Piaget and Vygotsky both presented strong arguments for their cases. However, upon further reading and research, and based upon my own observations as well, I find that Vygotskys theory of child cognitive development is the one which is much closer to the truth in terms of child development. Although a child may have uneven maturity as Piaget pointed out, Vygostkys theory proved that the maturity or growing up process of a child can best be assisted and encouraged by the guiding hand of a caring adult