Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Superstitious Life

Superstitions are tire Superstitions are resembling a expectant lie depends on you if you believe in it, superstitions depends on wide-cut look that is a diametric and to a greater extent joyful newsworthiness to say destiny, the begging of superstitions are more bid the cause of the problems and the consequences arent baneful set the real consequences are you bracken it you pay it. The consequences are the same in the superstitions and in the real flavor because if you run away under a ladder some(prenominal)thing earth-closet fall in your head and I think that could the bad luck for transeunt under a ladder.The good luck consequences, are also completely ludicrous because one time I establish my elbow, my mom told me put ont niggle yourself and you will get good luck, I follow the advice of my mother and nothing happened, so is kind of fool to believe in superstitions. For many people the superstitions are like part of their life and lets be intelligent you dont d epend on your luck, life depends on your attitude. Also the superstitions are different around the world because in some place the action you make here(predicate) means something and maybe in chinaware means another.Traditions are also like superstitions because you decide the way things sense lets say an example in some parts of the world if you burp at the table you dont hurl education, but in India if you dont burp means that you didnt like the food, so is completely contradictory. simply this is my personal opinion and you dont have to follow my thoughts, everyone can have different ideas and believe whatever you want. Be yourself and have a pleasant and good life. By Ricardo Linares Hernandez 3rd A

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