Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Patent Litigation and the Internet Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Patent Litigation and the Internet - Article Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that 21 smartphones in Samsungs lineup, including the newest iteration of its Galaxy line the Galaxy S III, are being targeted for the ban. The goal, it seems clear, is to shut out Samsung from this important market, and in other key markets around the world. Taking a step back, differentiation for Samsung comes, first from the scale and the ability to compete on scale economics rather than design, and later with innovations around design, manufacturing, software and apps, new materials, further improvements in scale for component parts. The case highlights the notion of the smartphone industry in general as being an area that is fraught with litigation, where patents are being used as weapons in a kind of arms race for supremacy in the space. The estimates at present are that about 250,000 different patents cover a smartphone from the skin to the electronic board, and each of those patents can be used to claim some stake in the whole technol ogy. That claim can be used to ignite patent litigation. It is noteworthy that Apple's patents cover areas tied to design, which moving forward are considered to be harder to enforce in comparison to the nuts and bolts engineering and technological patents that other patent holders, such as Nokia and Samsung, hold. In the fray too, are patents from other major players, such as Microsoft, and to a lesser extent, Google, the latter being the indirect target of the Apple patent suits against Samsung. Experts note that Google is really the ultimate target of the Apple suits, and linked to Google, all the other major players in the Android ecosystem, including HTC. Yet smartphones technologies and patents differ too, in one crucial respect, in that while patent lawsuits can temporarily derail market advancement, in the long run, engineers are able to create workarounds that skip using contested technologies and patents altogether, or else manufacturers such as Samsung are forced to enter into   patent licensing agreements when the patents in question are essential and irreplaceable.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Of Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay

Corporate Social Responsibility Of Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay Corporate Social Responsibility is the means by which a company justifies their existence in order to gain success by showing an interest in taking care of the people and the communities that surround them. Corporate Social Responsibility has the purpose of giving to the society as a whole, an impact that is positive which ensures that it is sustainable for quite some time. The hospitality industry should tightly uphold Corporate Social Responsibility which is also referred to as social responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility ensures that the society is up to date with events that take place in the society. The society consists of the shareholders to the companies and hence if the society benefits they benefit too. Corporate Social Responsibility helps the companies to create a good image to the public and hence market themselves. Recently so many students are taking hospitality courses, and research carried out has shown that they have come to know about the industry through Corporate Social Responsibility. Most of the students are studying about management of hospitalism. The hospitalism industry requires understanding with a high level of skills in order to deal with the management strategies that are required. The hospitality industry also attracts many people because of the hefty pay that employees get. This industry has many business people running different firms in it. Majority of the people who are in this firms do not look at the industry as being sustainable, and hence they make their short term profits and leave the damage to the society, this has greatly spoilt the image of the industry to the society. These firms should be responsible about the environment if they want the industry to sustain itself through conservation of resources. This way they should be in a position to take care of the pollution that they cause and the waste released to the environment that is toxic. Companies that have upheld corporate social responsibility are doing very well in the market because the society wants to support the companies so that they can continue to do good for the society. Corporate Social Responsibility is about conducting business according to the code of ethics that are laid down for the industry. The society has expectations from the hospitality industry, and it is only fair that they should be met. Corporate Social Responsibility makes the firms in the hospitality industry to strictly obey the laid out rules so that they do not cause damage to the society. However the laws and policies set by the government need to be good to effect Corporate Social Responsibility. So many brands are widely known because of the place where they are produced, which can be in another country or continent for example people believe that items manufactured in the United Kingdom are of a better quality than those produced in African countries. The sales strategy that some companies use to advertise their products has enabled them to be known in the whole globe. Thus Corporate Social Responsibility is the way to recognition for many companies if they want to be known globally. These firms in the hospitality industry are assessed on their financial strengths using the financial statements. The financial position of a company determines how much the brand is going to be recognized. Hospitality companies with high capital tend to attract so many shareholders because the shareholders have trust in the survival of the company and hence they love to be associated with such a company. Above all things the environment is the focus of every company especially those in the hospitality industry. A conducive environment is important for the hospitality industry because it ensures a good regulation for the weather. With so many hospitality companies neglecting the negative effect that   they are subjecting the environment to ,they are hence   encouraged to look for other companies in the hospitality industries that they can group up with so that they can be able to address the negative impact on the environment. Corporate Social Responsibility helps in the overriding of firms in the hospitality industry. The name that a company carries to the public has always proven to be an asset that is valuable. The other thing that has proven important is the value of the brand. With these two aspects Corporate Social Responsibility comes in place to assist in creating a good name for the company or the firm it makes the customers to have trust in the company and also construct loyalty among the employees and even the shareholders. Majority of hospitality companies express corporate social responsibility by making a contribution to causes that are good in the society. The hospitality industry should be in a position to put into consideration equality in respect to gender in order to avoid discrimination at work. The employees in this industry need to be very well trained to ensure that they are in a position to serve clients well. Corporate Social Responsibility helps to take care of some employees who are often vulnerable to discrimination such as the immigrants and people who are physically incapacitated. The hospitality industry needs people who love to work in the industry, this is because it helps them in their hiring of employees for the reason that as much as the salary is good employees want to work for companies that have the interests of the community by being able to help decrease the levels of poverty that are being experienced by some countries. Corporate social responsibility helps to motivate stuff and make them want to continue working in the industry. Many hospitality companies who have engaged in Corporate Social Responsibility events ensure that they include the activities in the company reports that are prepared annually. The International Standardization Organization (ISO) wants to create standards that will apply to hospitality and other companies that will ensure their involvement in the corporate social responsibilities. These standards once created will help in the conversation of the environment. The hospitality industry deals a lot with the lifestyles that people live. It is however supported by tourists and hence it is important to create a good name for itself in order attract more customers. The hospitality industry is encouraged to offer services that the customers demand from them. Corporate social responsibility prevents the hospitality industry from embezzling funds. Millennium hotel group UK contribution to CSR Since the world travel and tourism council released reports on   the contribution that the   hospitality industry   to the economy in form of the high revenues that they fetch for the country, the participation in corporate social responsibilities is almost inevitable. The millennium groups of hotels have learnt to merge focus of the business with ethics that are highly integrated to responsibilities. They have also come to the realization that, when the societies are involved in the hotels operations, they help them to gain leadership behaviors that guide them in managing their small businesses and most of all they have helped the society acquire styles of leadership that are sustainable. The millennium hotels in the events of promoting the corporate social responsibilities have been able to interact with communities from different backgrounds. They have interacted well and made some of the best relationships that are cross sectored and across the various cultures at the same time. The creation of such relationships helps in sharing ideas that are good for business. This ideas help the organizations know what is expected on the inside of the hotel management and even on the outside. Also about leadership, they learn how to transform the various styles of leadership that they use to suite them. Some of the benefits that the millennium hotels have got are that they are able to know some of the factors that are ultimate for dealing with Corporate Social Responsibility. The millennium hotels have also been able to carry campaigns which are encouraging the other business that in the hospitality industry to get involved in helping the society move forward. The millennium hotels have been able to learn the gains that accrue to them because they have created a brand name for themselves globally and have also been assisted in carrying out their ways of marketing the products that they offer. They have been in the front line as far as the protection of the environment is concerned because they have very developed systems of disposing off the wastes from their premises. They have helped to shape the society regarding ethics that people should uphold. They have taught the society that offering help at the right time is important and one should help where he or she can. There are some industries that offer help when it is too late and this makes development very expensive. The millennium hotels are among the top in the list among Corporates that have been involved greatly in the corporate social responsibilities. The millennium hotels have been offering corporate social responsibilities for a long time now and hence they have a lot of knowledge as far as corporate social responsibility is concerned. They are therefore good in dealing with challenges that come as far as corporate social responsibility is concerned. The millennium hotels have created partnership with some agricultural corporations to help in the production of foods that are quality and that fetch the country a lot of revenue. Also so that the hotels can have a diversification in foods that they offer which are not commonly found in other hotels. The agricultural industry faces a lot of challenges as far as climate is concerned and hence in order to ensure there is food security in the United Kingdom. The millennium hotels help them by offering trainings for them that help them to use the best agricultural practices to enable them use irrigation and help in the storage of water in the soil. The millennium hotels encourage conservation of resources by offering funds to create awareness to the public not to waste resources that are available such as water and gas because that helps to save a lot of money. Besides partnering in agricultural industry they have also participated in the summits which are about conservation of energy. Some businesses in the private and public sector are said to be consuming a lot of energy in the processing of their products and hence they are being encouraged to come up with ways that help in the conservation of the same. The millennium hotels have done a commendable job in Corporate Social Responsibility and were recently given an award in the global corporate social responsibility summit and awards for helping and participating in helping the society grow. They have helped the society to solve some of the problems that they can handle. This is very good for their image because people get to learn about them and recommend the hotels to friends or tourists visiting United Kingdom from other countries. They have also paid a lot of concern on the climate change issue which is caused by global warming. The millennium hotels are willing to support campaigns on climate by getting the government to make new policies that are on companies that cause degradation of the environment. The millennium hotels are also on the fore front in addressing issues concerning human rights violations especially of the employees who work in the hospitality industry. There have been cases of violations for rights concerning employees joining the trade unions. Some of the big hotels in the United Kingdom did not want the employees to join the trade unions so that some of the issues that need to be addressed can be looked at. Stakeholders involvement to CSR of hospitality industry. The stakeholders of the hospitality industry has played a big part in promoting Corporate Social Responsibility by   ensuring that the manner in which it is conducted, is fair to all persons in the society. The stakeholders have helped to reduce the rates of pollution on the environment. They have also helped in providing solutions to the problems that were facing the environment. They have helped the companies to translate the theories which are related to corporate social responsibility to practice. They have helped in the application of good leadership in the hospitality industry. The stakeholders have also helped the hospitality industry to use innovation which in order to keep with the changing times as the technology continues to advance. The advancement in technology helps it to be sustainable. The stakeholders help in the preservation of cultures and some of the tradition which act as tourism attraction. The stakeholders have also helped in the conservation of water catchment areas and valleys that are important for tourism. The hospitality industry contributes to the economic growth of the country in a very big way. The stakeholders have helped countries to see that they follow and meet their mission. The stakeholders help to connect the industry internationally and hence making the businesses grow. The stakeholders in the hospitality industry ensure that the employees undergo intensive training because the hospitalism industry is more about public relations. The stakeholders are very concerned about the working conditions that the workers work in and also about the level of dedication that the workers have towards their work. The stakeholders are also concerned about the kind of equipments that the workers use in order to deliver quality services. The stakeholders help in reaching at a decision that is suitable for the industry or about giving suggestion that would help in providing quality services. All this is aimed at improving the corporate social responsibility towards the employees in the hospitality industry. The stakeholders have not at any point stopped to support the hospitality industry and that is why majority of companies and business are taking responsibilities of the environment and also of the society. Research carried out, about   the hospitality industry regarding corporate social responsibility   show that it can integrate well with tourism. Some of the areas that are conserved for use by the hospitality industry to attract tourists are done by the permission from the stakeholders with an agreement of making them to be part of the projects that they carry out. The hospitality industry is also integrated with the media industry because of the advertisements that are carried out about the industry. The industry helps in the development of the communities that are around areas that have tourist attraction sites. The hospitality industry is being challenged to construct communities that are stronger for the changing generations where things are done in a different way than they are normally run. The stakeholders offer a lot of help when it comes to long term business partnerships. The stakeholders look at advancing the corporate social responsibilities in order to have an impact on the community and also help make changes in peoples lives that would not have been able to do make it in life without a little help. The stakeholders encourage the public to get involved in volunteerism so that the public can be able to understand how the concept of corporate social responsibility works. Volunteerism helps give people an insight about life and makes them ready to always help. The spirit of helping and giving should be included in the school curriculum because majority of student do not understand what volunteerism is all about. People who have worked as volunteers at any point in their life make very good managers and hardly embezzle funds from the company. The hospitality industry is surrounded by compassionate people   who love to travel and are ready to learn the diverse cultures that the world has to offer, that is why hospitality   courses integrate very well with corporate social responsibility. The stakeholders like to work with leaders who are ready to listen to suggestions that people have because sometimes they turn out better than anything that they would have come up with. The stakeholders best know the areas in the society that need to be given attention by the corporate world such as the hospitality industry. The stakeholders write proposals to the business in the hospitality industry to guide them on projects that they should undertake which make changes in the society. The stakeholders ensure that they follow up with their proposals because when they go through they are called upon to undertake the projects. Majority of the projects are usually community based projects and hence every person in the society is entitled to the services that are going to be provided. Theories that support corporate social responsibility There are theories that support Corporate Social Responsibility. These theories help in guiding companies about the responsibilities that they should have. Mostly the theories have an impact on the society, the economy of a country and last but not least the environment in which we live in. The theories that influence corporate social responsibility are Clarkson theory, stakeholder theory and the shareholder theory. The stakeholder theory is about the stakeholders of the company who own of the company in their own way because without them then the company would not be in existence since they greatly contribute. This theory talks about recognizing them and making them feel important so that they can greatly support the company. The hospitality industry needs to put the stakeholders into consideration because they help in marketing, by recommending the products to new customers. This theory is all about the business ethics that should be adhered to. The stakeholders are the basis for a company when compared to the stockholders. However this theory faces contradictions based on the use of the profits that companies make. The argument behind is that whether the gains made by the company should be given first be given to the stockholders. The extension of the companies responsibilities to the society who are not stockholders or stakeholders is very important. The stakeholder theory besides considering the non stockholders to the companies also considers the employees to the companies, the communities that are localized, the institutions that are responsible for offering finances to the public in form of loans the customers and finally the organizations who are given tenders to supply goods and services to the hospitality industry. The stakeholder theory helps the company and industry managers to be able in to enter into the business environment that is bigger. It also teaches them to know the various ways of taking care of business and effect procedures that are important to the stakeholders. It also helps the managers to make major decisions about the company and think through about the impact that such decisions will have on the people in the society or all the stakeholders. This theory is dynamic because it gives room for changes in the companies and the companies will also need to adapt to these changes. However, when the company makes it a priority to increase the wealth of the stockholders, the stakeholders to the company can become sidelined and this not good for business. The stakeholder theory says that it is not ethical to fail putting into consideration the stakeholders interests. Companies who overlook the stakeholders look at the benefits of the company in a short term manner compared to the companies who look at making or getting benefits that are long term for sustainability. This theory says that it does not matter whether the company is in business for a long term period or a short one because either way they are supported by the society. Stakeholder theory helps corporations to define their reasons for existent and what they really are. It helps to analyze that, the companies exist because of the shareholders that they have. It says that with this aim the company surely prospers. Companies and industries are viewed as large organization even if they are not big enough because of the social integration that they have with the society. Proposals have been written to the United Kingdom government requesting them to include the section of corporate social responsibility in the constitution so that the industries and businesses in general can be of a common good to all citizens. The government has not made it mandatory for companies to put into application the stakeholders theory but it highly recommends it for companies that want with the support of the society. The Clarkson theory talks about the stakeholders but in a different classification. This theory classifies them into two groups; the primary stakeholders and the secondary stakeholders. This theory says that the stakeholders to a company have different interests in the company that they are members to. This classification enables the firms to be in a better position to develop its policies and more so its reputation. The firms will also be able to meet the benefits which accrue to them economically. The shareholder or stockholder theory is about the people who have capital in the business. It says that the stockholders need to see that the profits generated by the company go to a good course such as charitable activities. These theories have supported the corporate social responsibility in many companies whether is it done in a formal way or not. These theories have acted as a key and eye opener to many companies because they have helped them understand the concept of giving back to the society as they seek to expand. Many businesses face the challenge of knowing who they should give support to. They are torn between the stakeholders and the stockholders. The stockholders according to these theories only want the companies to participate in corporate social responsibilities when the company has made enough profit that can cater for such responsibilities. The stockholders do not like it when the company offers corporate social responsibilities on the expense of the stockholders. The conflict thus is still there as the companies keep on defining their policies. The companies also face the challenge of how far they should extend their responsibilities because there are companies who start foundations and support them for a long time and there are others who donate funds to onetime events that occur. The theories all conclude with a form of business that the company should employ which allows them to become more responsible in how they do business. This theories have helped in sealing some of the gaps that exist in many companies which the business were finding hard to take care of because they were not conducting business in the right manner. Many companies forget that involving the customers in business is what makes them to seal the gaps in the economy and policies to companies. A comparative analysis of millennium hotels UK and the organizations that are highly socially responsible Globalization has in every way helped the hospitality industry to move forward and to help the society. They have helped in curbing inequalities that are experienced in the economy. The other organizations take a section of the profits that they have made in a particular financial year and give to an organization that help in offering of charitable activities. The markets in which the goods and services are being traded nowadays are local and hence this makes the private companies to become more obligated in offering corporate social responsibilities. The global market operate socially nowadays because with the availability of internet stakeholders have the ability to post comments about the hospitality industries and the various organizations that contribute to the society. Sometimes the corporate social responsibility helps to tap investors, because investors like to invest in organizations that are conducting business legally and give back to the society. The other organizations like the millennium hotels in the United Kingdom do a research on what the customers want and hence take effect if what the customers want is possible. So many investors have invested in the millennium hotels because they have shown stability which is justified by the management team that they have in place which gives the investors confidence. The way the millennium group of hotels in which run the business is so professional and hence the contribution in the social responsibilities. Corporate social responsibility revolves about delivering what is in the mission statements that companies have. The millennium hotels in the United Kingdom have clearly shown this because they are not involved in scandals that other hotels face in the hospitality industry when customers complain about services that were offered. The millennium hotels are willing to build on assets that are not tangible because they give returns after an extended time. They are also are not afraid to effect changes when it comes to the structures that they have in the organization. The other organizations face a lot scrutiny and delay when it comes to making changes that affect the management. The millennium hotels are at an advantage because all they have to do is create a good name through the services that they offer to the customers. They also have to intensively advertise the hotels so that many people can become aware. The millennium hotels have excellent booking services since they have offices in the airports and also have fantastic facilities for recreational. This way they help to create demand for the goods that are readily available. The other organizations contribute to the corporate social responsibilities by training the local residents and offering them job opportunities. They teach them to be entrepreneurs because relying on being employed leaves a very small room for innovation. They are known to be very sensitive when it comes to gender issues. They employ women who are situated in the rural areas of the United Kingdom and also consider the youths who are just out of college and are looking for jobs. Most important they employ the people who are not skilled who are mostly based areas that are remote. They consider such persons when hiring workers because they know that the chances of them getting employed in places like the millennium hotels are very rare. The millennium hotels are commended for being able to create job opportunities and to make wealth out of utilizing resources that are naturally and culturally held. The millennium hotels are concerned about the rising levels of poverty in some countries especially in Africa. Helping the society in order to reduce poverty is not concerned with the moral obligation that people have in the society. Countries that have high levels of poverty are said to pose insecurity in the hospitality industry. The hospitality industry in the developing countries is reported to grow at an alarming rate and hence there needs to be improvements so that the tourist or guests feel secure in those countries. There are so many cases of tourist getting robbed and even getting murdered in foreign countries or even residents getting hurt while in local hotels . The millennium group of hotels offers tight security to their guests. The decline in the well being of societies that host some of the organizations makes the society think less of them. For those companies whose societies are well kept, the implication created is that the stakeholders are taken care of well. The millennium hotels are situated in very clean environments that guests would love to associate with. It is upon the government   to figure out   how the other organizations apart from the millennium hotels maintain cordial relationships with the stakeholders. The millennium hotels offer support to countries that are sometimes affected by war. International peace is very important for many businesses and not just the hospitality industry. There is a great need to have programmes that are run by organizations from various industries so that they can come up with the creation of funds that are global. These funds are used to set up foundations and the rules of conduct that companies should use to guide them. This way this can help in creating an economy that is sustainable with time. These foundations can be used to protect the eco- system among other things. The other organizations need to come with a better strategy on how they will be responding to some of the issues, that the community needs to be addressed. These foundations should funded by long term businesses that are going to be operational for a long time so that they can assist the community more. This way they can generate very huge profits following the support from the society. Corporate Social Responsibility will one day become compulsory for all the companies because the society is the backbone of the companies. The market forces continue to be stronger and thus making sure that every company is up to date with the current happenings in the world. The other organizations are so focused on making profits for themselves such that they forget about the societies. They often violate the business ethics and hence most the times embezzle the stockholders capital. Majority of managers in this organizations are not honest since most of the time they run the business in the way they feel they should and not on how the rules state. Majority of this organization leave such responsibilities to the government.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Inhibition of Nitric Oxide Synthase Impairs a Distinct Form of Long-Ter

Introduction Nitric oxide (NO), which has demonstrated plasticity regarding processes of learning and memory, has revealed its specific function in memory formation for the honeybee. The predominant amount of NO synthase (NOS) activity has been shown to participate in the processing of olfactory information of a honeybee. A honeybee's antenna (*- Application of appetitive stimuli to the antennae of honeybees elicits extension of the proboscis (PER)) lobes are the primary centers of olfactory processing that exhibit highest NOS activity, which takes place in the brain. The lip of the mushroom body, which is involved in this process, calyces and the lateral protocerebral lobe receives input from the antennal lobs via a median and a lateral pathway; this indicates strong labeling. Neuropils of the central brain exhibited intermediate labeling. The effects of NOS activity on honeybees were revealed injecting a hemoglobin assay. The hemoglobin assay is able to detect NO and other substances (CO, etc.), therefore, these assays reveal at least two signals. By adding NOS inhibitors to the assay mixture, the first signal can be inhibited, but the second signal cannot be inhibited. The second signal includes enzymes other than NOS. Total NOS activity (*- NOS activity: defined as that part of the signal which is sensitive to NOS inhibitors added to the assay mixture) is divided into a major Ca2+ and a minor Ca2+ independent NOS activity which suggested that the existence of at least two NOS isoforms in the honeybee brain. Applying only 1 (l of 100 (l N-nitro-L-arginine or N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) 20 minutes inhibits total NOS by 80% (*-show figure 2A). Maximal inhibition of NOS was attained at an approximate conc... ...at MTM (medium term memory) is not affected by the inhibition of NOS, but that blocking the NOS in regards to LTM reduces the LTM to the "level of the single trial-induced memory," (Muller 5). It was further speculated that the NOS activity depends on a sequence of conditioning trials. It was concluded that "the initial conditioning trial leads to an amnesia-resistant LTM, independently of NOS activity, formation of amnesia-resistant LTM by the subsequent conditioning trials requires NOS activity," (Muller 5). NOS plays an important part in the retention of memory, and these findings in honeybees can be used to understand how memory works in other organisms such as vertebrates. References Journal Article Muller, Uli. "Inhibition of Nitric Oxide Synthase Impairs a Distinct Form of Long-Term Memory in the Honeybee, Apis mellifera." Neuron 1996; 16: 541-549.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Is Sex Good for Our Health

When you're in the mood, it's a sure bet that the last thing on your mind is boosting your immune system or maintaining a healthy weight. Yet good sex offers those health benefits and more. That's a surprise to many people, says Joy Davidson, PhD, a New York psychologist and sex therapist. â€Å"Of course, sex is everywhere in the media,† she says. â€Å"But the idea that we are vital, sexual creatures is still looked at in some cases with disgust or in other cases a bit of embarrassment. So to really take a look at how our sexuality adds to our life and enhances our life and our health, both physical and psychological, is eye-opening for many people.† Sex does a body good in a number of ways, according to Davidson and other experts. The benefits aren't just anecdotal or hearsay — each of these 10 health benefits of sex is backed by scientific scrutiny. Among the benefits of healthy loving in a relationship: Sex-Drive Killers Slideshow 1. Sex Relieves Stress A big health benefit of sex is lower blood pressure and overall stress reduction, according to researchers from Scotland who reported their findings in the journal Biological Psychology. They studied 24 women and 22 men who kept records of their sexual activity. Then the researchers subjected them to stressful situations — such as speaking in public and doing verbal arithmetic — and noted their blood pressure response to stress. Those who had intercourse had better responses to stress than those who engaged in other sexual behaviors or abstained. Another study published in the same journal found that frequent intercourse was associated with lower diastolic blood pressure in cohabiting participants. Yet other research found a link between partner hugs and lower blood pressure in women. 2. Sex Boosts Immunity Good sexual health may mean better physical health. Having sex once or twice a week has been linked with higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A or IgA, which can protect you from getting colds and other infections. Scientists at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., took samples of saliva, which contain IgA, from 112 college students who reported the frequency of sex they had. Those in the â€Å"frequent† group — once or twice a week — had higher levels of IgA than those in the other three groups — who reported being abstinent, having sex less than once a week, or having it very often, three or more times weekly. 3. Sex Burns Calories Thirty minutes of sex burns 85 calories or more. It may not sound like much, but it adds up: 42 half-hour sessions will burn 3,570 calories, more than enough to lose a pound. Doubling up, you could drop that pound in 21 hour-long sessions. â€Å"Sex is a great mode of exercise,† says Patti Britton, PhD, a Los Angeles sexologist and president of the American Association of Sexuality Educators and Therapists. It takes work, from both a physical and psychological perspective, to do it well, she says.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

One Laptop Per Child

Technology in Classrooms: One Laptop per Child-A Failed Idea? Is the use of technology benefiting the students in classrooms today or is It taking away from their education? Should students be allowed to have easy access to a computer during a lecture to find relevant information or is it a distraction that puts their attention onto something completely off subject? It has certainly been argued both ways. As technology becomes more prominent In everyday life, the global world changes at the same time. Third world, developing countries have begun to see this hang, and are starting to accept It.One proposed start-up for Introducing technology Into the classrooms of these countries was the One Laptop per Child, a nonprofit organization that alms to provide laptops for the children of developing countries (â€Å"One Laptop per Child†). Technology has certainly changed education, Thither Garments, a faculty member of a Montreal school, asserts the use of laptops and technology In s chool classrooms allows for academic success. He claims that by using computers concentration and motivation has increased as well as a way of successful teaching students important ND valuable computer skills (in â€Å"Laptops in school classes improve scores†).Robert Imaginer speaks on the behalf of students saying that they are more eager to integrate the use of computers into school because they are motivated to learn from it, they typically already know how to use one before starting school, and they are more likely to learn and understand the importance of technology which will help them with any future academic and employment opportunities. Imaginer claims that students have shown great excitement and are very curious in the classrooms with the introduction of computers.He said that teachers are seeing less and less absenteeism and behavioral issues through this technological learning style (Imaginer). The use of technology is becoming more, and more valuable, as we ge t older and get busier, the use of computers help manage our everyday, somewhat complicated lives no matter if we are in the classroom or not. While some strongly agree that computers are a good thing and should be used in every school classroom, there are also those who disagree by providing reasons why computers will not help in educating students.Paul Lam reported that both teachers ND students worry that computers in the classroom will be very distracting. Students agreed, saying that computers would take their attention away from what their teacher was saying. Teachers noticed that when computers were allowed during class time, students weren't looking up, and they would smile at the computer screen, or be typing during Inappropriate times (Lam). Yes, computers are useful, but they take attention away from Important lectures and class time. It's Important for these third world countries such as India, Peru, Kenya, and Afghanistan to continue to grow with this global change.Tech nology Is being used more. And more, and it can be very helpful improving education especially in these countries. Even though they are at different stages of developing, as the world moves forward in development, countries to be ready to incorporate those changes. Technology is a new and very big change, it is one change, but a very important one not only have access to it, but to also know how to effectively and efficiently use it. Everyone, everywhere can benefit it; sometimes it Just takes time to figure out the best way. Integrating technology is an issue all on it's own.Countries may want to eave the ability to access technology, and Western cultures may want to push the use of technology, but it's not always that easy. Technology has quickly taken over the world that we live in, we use it everyday, everywhere. The program, One Laptop per Child was designed to send low-cost, specially designed laptops to children in developing third world countries. According to the OLAP websi te, their â€Å"mission is to empower the world's poorest children through education† (â€Å"One Laptop per Child†) by providing them with this laptop.Kenneth Kramer says that OLAP put in a lot of effort to design a computer that loud withstand both the different and difficult conditions in a developing world country environment. Kramer stated that the designers had a great understanding of what developing countries needed when it comes to introducing technology. The computers are sealed, made to keep dirt out. The screen can read in bright sunlight, runs on very low power, and has a built in wireless system (Kramer). What's the best part? These computers were set to be only $100, completely affordable, right?The governments of these countries can purchase the computers and they can afford to give them to all the children. They have an important goal that no one is left out. All children should be able to experience the use of technology. One MIT professor, and adviser to the OLAP, Seymour Appear, talked about the benefits of the program saying that through the use of computers children can do anything, they â€Å"will take charge of knowledge† (Appear). With this program they will have access to computers, and they will have their own computer all the time.This will allow students everywhere, especially in developing countries to learn (Appear). Of course there are many cons and negative feedback based upon this program. There are always going to be two sides and it's important to look and understand both of them. From the New York Times, flogger David Vogue says it perfectly by saying, â€Å"think again. This laptop is not intended for the sneaky floggers. This laptop is intended for poor kids in other countries. And for that, I say it's amazing' (Vogue, 03:43).Nicholas Negotiate, founder of OLAP, says that these computers have now been distributed to 2,000 students across the globe, in 40 different countries, and available in 25 differ ent languages. Negotiate goes on to say that 25% of teachers in developing countries re illiterate and have very poor education. The other 25% teaching didn't finish school themselves, someone teacher fifth grade may only have a sixth grade education. These computers will not Just teach students, it will allow non-student adults to learn too.Negotiate said that we he first started this project people told him that you can't Just build a laptop that is connected, give it a kid and walk away. He responded with, â€Å"you know what, you can, you actually can, and we have found that kids in the remotest part of the world, when given that connected not only teach homeless how to read and write, but most importantly, thy teach their parents how to read and write† (Negotiate 2010, 03:52). In a separate interview, Nicholas Negotiate says that the most important part of this project isn't that children will have their own laptop, it's that this will become a part of society.This proje ct has education (Negotiate 2009). One Laptop per Child, has been widely criticized by many for not actually helping children. Jeffery James, quoted in a Journal article by Jeanine Renders, argues that the OLAP program leads to too much time spent focusing on computers and rumoring the use of the Western technology and way of life that not enough effort will be put into other forms of education that are of equal or greater importance (Renders). Lisa Marie Allen argues that Western cultures have a long history of trying to put their values, beliefs and way of life into non-western cultures.They are constantly exploring different ways to â€Å"help† these developing counties, when in reality they have little knowledge or understand of these third world countries, which are at a completely different stage of development. What Westerners believe to be a rarity, these non-western countries don't see as a priority. She states that in many countries such as Ghana, education is not a priority. Many children need to stay home, do chores and work for their families. They are not concerned with being computer literate (Allen).Eileen and Michael Benson continued this argument, by saying that OLAP believes that, â€Å"one educational model is suitable for all educational environments and that the latest educational approach should displace, historic, locally developed teaching approaches† (Person, 243). Pelham agrees saying that Hess countries don't need laptops, building schools and libraries is a bigger priority and will be more beneficial for students in developing countries. These students will go without pencils and paper while the computers end up being sold on the black market. Bringing laptops to the world's poorest children could be the educational equivalent of delivering cans of food to people who have no can-openers† (Pelham, 76). Paula Cook Mackinac talks about why teachers in developing countries have a hard time bringing the use of laptop s into their education plans. Mackinac says hey have very little knowledge about how to use computers themselves, let alone having to teach young students how to use them. Teachers said they need technological support if they want to incorporate technology in school classrooms of these developing countries, and they don't have it (Mackinac).Did One Laptop Per Child fail or succeed with their mission? It's up to individual interpretation and what is or should be important, as well as what has happened versus what was supposed to happen. Yes, computers were distributed to over 2,000 children throughout the world, and they have definitely learned from it. Many resources say it failed and they critique every aspect, but why did it fail? Computers were distributed and studies have showed that children learned from them. Sure, developing countries could use buildings, food and water more, but education is important.These laptops are Just one part of helping developing countries more forwa rd with the rest of the world. In reality, there isn't enough information to say for certain if this project truly failed or succeed. It would definitely be beneficial to research and find out exactly what happened with OLAP. Did students benefit from the program and the use of computers? Or did they slowly fade out? Do computers in class actually help students? What do advocates and critics think about OLAP and technology in classrooms?The more interest an issue gets, the more information, research, and solutions will be made or educational problems of the world's poor† (Weyerhaeuser, 46). Weyerhaeuser continues by saying the process of improving education with technology is at a very early stage. To make such a change will take time and the use of several different professionals (Weyerhaeuser). One Laptop per Child is definitely an area of study that should be continued. This is a program that needs to succeed, education is key for children and everyone has the right to one.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How To Do the Gallium Beating Heart Demonstration

How To Do the Gallium Beating Heart Demonstration The gallium beating heart is a chemistry demonstration in which a drop of gallium is made to pulsate, like a beating heart. The gallium beating heart is similar to the mercury beating heart, but gallium is much less toxic, so this demonstration may be preferable. Gallium Beating Heart Materials Drop of gallium metal, liquefied (apply heat, as from your gloved hand)Dilute sulfuric acid (e.g., battery acid)Potassium dichromateWatch glass or petri dish Perform the Gallium Beating Heart Demo Place a drop of liquid gallium in a shallow dish.Cover the gallium with dilute sulfuric acid. The drop will round into a ball as gallium sulfate forms on the surface of the drop.Add a small amount of potassium dichromate. The gallium will relax somewhat as the sulfate layer is removed and the surface tension of the drop changes. If the proportion of dichromate with respect to the sulfuric acid is just right, the drop will alternate between round and relaxed, like a beating heart. Unlike the mercury beating heart, no iron is required to perform this demo, though the gallium heart beats more slowly. It can be tricky to get the correct amount of dichromate to get the gallium to pulsate, so start with a small amount of the chemical and add more as needed.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Whiskey Rebellion and the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Essay Example

Whiskey Rebellion and the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Essay Example Whiskey Rebellion and the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Paper Whiskey Rebellion and the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Paper Although the power of the national government increased during the early republic, this development often faced serious opposition. Compare the motives and effectiveness of those opposed to the growing power of the national government during TWO of the following: The Whiskey Rebellion, the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, or the Hartford Convention. The Federalist dominated government displayed power like that of Great Britain. Once the people of the United States noticed this power through various sectionalized rebellions, letters in the newsprints, and resolutions written by several of our founding fathers, the people came to a mutual conclusion that a Federalist dominated congress was one that they need to oppose. The Whiskey Rebellion was an uprising in 1794 by 3,000 settlers in the backcountry of Pennsylvania who opposed the tax on distilled whiskey. Alexander Hamilton can be credited for the passing of this tax in 1791. The purpose of the tax was to help decrease the national debt; however, the western settlers thought the tax was discriminatory, and they objected it. For many of them, whiskey was the only medium of exchange. Once the rebellion had commenced, George Washington called to the militia to suppress the rebellion. Fifteen thousand troops were sent to Pennsylvania. Alexander Hamilton was at the head of the troops. The uprising ended almost immediately, and without bloodshed. This incident turned the frontier people into Jeffersonian followers or Anti-Federalists, but showed the strength of the Federal government. Throughout 1798, Jefferson conferred with James Madison about a strategy to oppose the Alien and Sedition Acts. Knowing that all branches of the national government were in Federalist hands, they turned to the states. Jefferson, secretly, wrote up a set of resolutions to be introduced into the next session of the Anti-Federalist Kentucky legislature, and Madison did the same for the Virginia legislature. One reason they kept their roles in the drafting secret was fear of being indicted under the sedition law, especially since Jefferson was the vice president. In suggesting the means for restoring rights abused by the Alien and Sedition Acts, the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions questioned the very nature of the federal union. The documents affirmed that the federal government was created by the states and that the states must be superior. On that note, the resolutions declared that a state should be able to nullify a federal law. Kentucky and Virginia eventually adopted Jeffersons resolutions, denouncing the Sedition Act and other recent unconstitutional acts and asserting that the government was a compact of states, not of individuals; however, when the resolutions were submitted to the other states for approval there was no real result. The Whiskey Rebellion was the first significant opposition to the Federalist government; demonstrating the lack of power to the minority and the majority (the people of the backcountry), but the rebellion unfortunately failed after being confronted with the force of the government. The importance of the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions lie in the fact that they were later considered to be the first notable statements of the states rights of government, a resolution that opened the way for the nullification controversy. Another note to be kept in mind is that the Alien and Sedition Act were written by the Federalist Party in order to maintain power in congress. The Whiskey Rebellion and The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions were two contributing forces to the ultimate opposition of the Federalist dominated government.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Evangelista Torricelli and the History of the Barometer

Evangelista Torricelli and the History of the Barometer Barometer - Pronunciation: [b u rom ´ u t u r] - a barometer is an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure. Two common types are the aneroid barometer and the mercurial barometer (invented first). Evangelista Torricelli invented the first barometer, known as the Torricellis tube. Biography - Evangelista Torricelli Evangelista Torricelli was born October 15, 1608, in Faenza, Italy and died October 22, 1647, in Florence, Italy. He was a physicist and mathematician. In 1641, Evangelista Torricelli moved to Florence to assist the astronomer Galileo. The Barometer It was Galileo that suggested Evangelista Torricelli use mercury in his vacuum experiments. Torricelli filled a four-foot long glass tube with mercury and inverted the tube into a dish. Some of the mercury did not escape from the tube and Torricelli observed the vacuum that was created. Evangelista Torricelli became the first scientist to create a sustained vacuum and to discover the principle of a barometer. Torricelli realized that the variation of the height of the mercury from day to day was caused by changes in the atmospheric pressure. Torricelli built the first mercury barometer around 1644. Evangelista Torricelli - Other Research Evangelista Torricelli also wrote on the quadrature of the cycloid and conics, the rectifications of the logarithmic spiral, the theory of the barometer, the value of gravity found by observing the motion of two weights connected by a string passing over a fixed pulley, the theory of projectiles and the motion of fluids. Lucien Vidie - Aneroid Barometer In 1843, the French scientist Lucien Vidie invented the aneroid barometer. An aneroid barometer registers the change in the shape of an evacuated metal cell to measure variations in the atmospheric pressure. Aneriod means fluidless, no liquids are used, the metal cell is usually made of phosphor bronze or beryllium copper.​ Related Instruments An altimeter is an aneroid barometer that measures altitude. Meteorologists use an altimeter that measures the altitude with respect to sea level pressure. A barograph is an aneroid barometer that gives a continuous reading of atmospheric pressures on graph paper.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Supporting the Communications Decency Act of 1996, Section 230 Term Paper

Supporting the Communications Decency Act of 1996, Section 230 - Term Paper Example This means that online intermediaries that are charged with the responsibility of hosting or republishing of speech are offered protection against a range of laws that might otherwise be applied in holding them legally responsible for whatever other persons say or do. Additionally, the protected intermediaries not only include Internet Service Providers (ISPs), but also take into account a range of defined interactive computer service providers which include even the basic online service that publishes third-party contents. Therefore, the Communication Decency Act 1996 Section 230 defines a wider protection that has allowed innovation and free speech online to advance, despite some unique and very fundamental criminal and intellectual property-based claims as may be mentioned. In support and protection of this Section 230 of the Communication Decency Act of 1996, EFF has worked recommendably to ensure strong legal protections of websites, blogs, service providers and endeavors to fig ht down threats aimed at weakening such protections from intermediaries and end users. Examples of such cases by the EFF include; the Internet Archive and Hoffman of 2013, the Internet Archive and McKenna of 2012, Levitt and Yelp of 2012, eDrop-Off and Burke of 2012 e.t.c. These legal protections provided by the Communication Decency Act Section 230 are quite unique to the U.S law; Canada, European Nations, and Japan. Even though other countries too may be internet users, United State is termed as the most prominent online service user. This is in part due to the CDA 230 that makes United States a safe haven for websites that intended for the provision of a platform for controversial of political issues/speech and legal environments that is favorable to free expression. Inadequacies Despite its positive intent in protection of the Internet Service Providers, CDA 230 is faced a number of inadequacies that limit its full potential for provide the required protection for the Internet C ommunity. While free speech was certainly the principle of CDA 230 with strong roots in the Constitution, the fact that it so severely outweighed the right of free speech victims to obtain justice is one troubling issue. One of the criticisms of Section 230 is based on the congressional intent. Section 230 has been so broadly interpreted by the courts in an inconsistent manner with the Congress original intensions when the law was written, and the extent of immunity offered by the courts is in conflict with the language of statute that disassociate any incentive for Internet Service Providers to self-regulate the web content and leave out the plaintiffs without a effective remedy (Brandy J.G., 2004). This is an issue because frustration stems in to the fact that the language of Section 230 itself, as with a number of laws, provides different interpretations. Some lines within this section are dependent on an individual’s reading, and have the possibility of eventually opposin g the outcomes when analyzing several cases. For example section 230 (c) Protection for ‘good Samaritan’ blocking and screening of offensive material; (1) Treatment of publisher or speaker, and (2) Civil liability, parts A and B. in this

Friday, October 18, 2019

Advertising Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Advertising Paper - Essay Example ommercial media advertising can bring out the unique taste and natural additives such as fruit nuts differentiating the product from other chocolate brands. Starbucks coffee is a branded product that can be differentiated through advertisements based on hidden differences. Starbucks coffee may look and taste the same as any other brand, but the unique preparation recipe of artificial sweeteners different. The combination of social media, internet, and out-of-home advertising can be used to inform the consumer on the unique recipe to achieve the hidden difference of Starbucks coffee. Wall Street Network Solution provides telecommunication services that can be differentiated through advertisements based on induced differences. Each telecommunication offers similar services, but Wall Street Network Solution has sponsored and helped financial institutions grow making it unique from similar service providers offering networking services. Advertising campaigns and special event sponsorships can be used to portray the induced differences in that the service is not only focused on only providing networking services to the financial community, but also provide support. Additionally, support provided by the service feature in most newspapers forming a part of advertising that indicate favorable publicity; hence, most consumers would choose the service given its uniqueness bringing about induced

Myers Briggs personality Inventory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Myers Briggs personality Inventory - Essay Example The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator instrument makes use of four dichotomies which differentiate one people from another and consign them as ‘type preference’. The four dichotomies are as follows: Extraversion-Introversion: This indicates whether people have a preference over acquiring personal energy from the external world of actions and people or from internal world of thoughts as well as ideas. Extraverts get easily adjusted to the external environment and prefer to involve in large groups of people. They enjoy while working in groups, learn anything by discussing with others, act in any circumstances without thinking and are expressive as well as outgoing. Introverts may act slowly over any action. They are accustomed to the inner world and prefer to communicate with others through writing than talking. They enjoy while working alone and learn anything through psychological practice. For example, extravert prefers to talk to people and introvert prefers to read books. S ensing-Intuition: This indicates the way through which people take information whether they focus on actual or real based meaning or prefer to apply or interpret the meaning to what they observe. The people who have a preference over sensing use facts and detailed information as well as give emphasis to realistic object. They take time and examine carefully before taking any conclusion. They use their five senses while observing and memorising certain things. The people, who prefer intuition, provide emphasis to hypothetical object and visualise any matter. They quickly jump into conclusion without proper judgement. They use their sixth sense while observing certain things (Prem, n.d.). For example, people who prefer sensing is down-to-earth and extremely dependent on past experiences where as people who prefer intuition are considered idealists and rely much on the future (Prem, n.d.). Thinking-Feeling: This indicates the way through which people make decision whether the people is depended on their rational thinking or influenced by their concern for themselves and others. The people who prefer thinking is analytical. Besides solving problem logically they also provide realistic solution and endeavour for right objective pattern. They use cause-and-effect analysis while taking any decision. They want that everyone should be treated equally without discrimination. The people who prefer feeling are empathetic and kind in nature. They are guided by individual value and want everyone to be treated as an individual. They try hard for harmony as well as positive relations among each individual (Prem, n.d.). For example, people who prefer feeling over thinking are usually predominant in helpful professions which include counsellors. They provide emphasis to fulfil the need of other people and may seek realistic

Events, Hospitality and Tourism Dynamics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Events, Hospitality and Tourism Dynamics - Essay Example There should always a stable political environment in order for a country to develop and move forward economically. In order to achieve political stability, each country should achieve ideas of political stability. Ideas of political stability can be achieved through certain mechanisms. Achieving such ideas requires a good understanding of the factors that may affect political stability in general. There are various factors that are important considerations in achieving political stability. First, the entire society needs to be freed from any tendency of destabilization including political divisions, ethnicities, corruption, sectarian conflicts and major political disagreements. These factors cause lack of political stability; and yet political stability is necessary in organizing and hosting major events such as the Olympics and FIFA World Cup (Liubov 2010). This essays suggests that ideas in order to host events such as Olympics and FIFA World Cup, it is important to consider certain factors that help in achieving the ideas of political stability. The major factors that are important considerations in achieving ideas of political stability include: constitutionalism, respect for rights and freedom of people, democratic political system with free and fair elections, employment and improved living standards of people, transparency and accountability, food security, diplomatic relations with other countries, and good governance (Bhagwati 2002). Every politically stable society begins with a democratic political environment (Sawchuk et al 2013). Democracy involves governing through people by allowing the people or citizens to participate in forming the government. This is usually done through the elections. In democratic political system, citizens participate either directly or indirectly in the political system through elected representatives. The people in a democratic society may also be involved in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Final Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5

Final - Research Paper Example Norris Wright Cuney, a black leader from Texas, managed the party from 1883 until his demise in 1896. He had labeled the dissatisfied group "lily-whites." During the early days of Reconstruction, a fight ensued in Texas and the South between the whites and blacks for the management of the Republican Party (Mowry, 1940). White GOP leaders were seeking respect among Southern voters, and there was a conviction that the blacks’ involvement in the party disturbed the expansion of the party. The lily-white Republicans started a plan to kick out blacks from positions of power. Although Texas blacks pleased with the Northern party leadership to stop the movement, the movement has been successful since Republican presidents after 1865 needed endorsement of the Southern white population (Mowry, 1940). The 1892 election was a turning point for the two factions of the Party as Cuney rallied the black and tans behind George Clark, who was a conservative Democrat. The lily-whites recommended Andrew Jackson Houston for the governorship post. Clark lost the elections, and Democratic Grover Cleveland emerged the winner of the presidency (Mowry, 1940). The black people appeared to lose the elections as their preferred candidates lost the elections. Although African Americans lost the election and control of the party, they had sent a message that they were involved in the political affairs of the US. The journey towards equal rights had just begun, and their rights could not be ignored in any way. Future political activists were motivated by the actions of a group of African Americans who helped in the formation of the party. The Black Power movement emerged after the Civil Rights Movement that was fighting for the rights of the African American (Joseph, 2006). Even though it was not an official movement, the Black Power movement defined the relationship between the blacks and whites and

Total Quality Management in Hospital Pharmacy Term Paper

Total Quality Management in Hospital Pharmacy - Term Paper Example Despite these many different functions being discharged by the pharmacists, hospitals find it difficult to recruit pharmacists (Smith). At the same time many of the hospitals take initiatives like staff reductions due to lower patient concentration, reorganization of the hospital facilities, carrying out recommendations of external consultants, implementing automation in drug distribution and mergers and acquisitions of hospitals. In this context, a methodological review of the operations of a hospital becomes necessary for improving the efficiency and functioning of the healthcare settings. One of the recommendations is to apply Total Quality Management (TQM) for improving the performance of pharmacies in the hospitals. Although TQM has been practiced in manufacturing industries for quite some time, it is relatively a newer concept in the healthcare industry. Interest in the idea of TQM in healthcare settings started to take off during late 1980s. Even though all the hospitals that introduced the system of TQM have not proved successful many of the institutions could streamline their functions applying the concept (Zablocki). In this context this paper describes the application of Total Quality Management in the hospital pharmacies to improve the performance of the pharmacies as well as the overall performance of the hospitals. No other sector than the healthcare is best suited for the a... Another issue that healthcare industry is facing is the deterioration in the service quality with numerous complaints from the patients and other stakeholders. In addition employee turnover and shortage of nurses and pharmacists is a major concern at most large and medium sized hospitals. This situation leads to more number of deaths which otherwise could have been avoided with proper systems and procedures in place to deliver quality medical service to the patients (Institute of Medicine). This makes the healthcare industry to respond with an appropriate mechanism to ensure an all round improvement in the efficiency of operations and to provide better and efficient healthcare service to the patients. Since hospital pharmacy happens to be an important constituent of any healthcare setting, revamping the department with the introduction of newer systems and procedures has become imminent. One of the suggested techniques to improve the performance of hospital pharmacies is the Total Qu ality Management that is applied to meet/exceed customer satisfaction. Most of the hospitals have established quality improvement programs and departments, in order to implement and follow up the quality initiatives not only in the hospital pharmacies but in every department of the hospitals. The quality initiatives taken by these specialized departments have been found to be successful in increasing the awareness of the employees about the customers and patients of the hospital, and the initiatives also helped in error reduction and improving patient satisfaction (Herzlinger). Even though the methods employed focused generally on improving the care, they do not address the issue of improving the organizational systems in total and therefore are not responsive to the needs of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Final Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5

Final - Research Paper Example Norris Wright Cuney, a black leader from Texas, managed the party from 1883 until his demise in 1896. He had labeled the dissatisfied group "lily-whites." During the early days of Reconstruction, a fight ensued in Texas and the South between the whites and blacks for the management of the Republican Party (Mowry, 1940). White GOP leaders were seeking respect among Southern voters, and there was a conviction that the blacks’ involvement in the party disturbed the expansion of the party. The lily-white Republicans started a plan to kick out blacks from positions of power. Although Texas blacks pleased with the Northern party leadership to stop the movement, the movement has been successful since Republican presidents after 1865 needed endorsement of the Southern white population (Mowry, 1940). The 1892 election was a turning point for the two factions of the Party as Cuney rallied the black and tans behind George Clark, who was a conservative Democrat. The lily-whites recommended Andrew Jackson Houston for the governorship post. Clark lost the elections, and Democratic Grover Cleveland emerged the winner of the presidency (Mowry, 1940). The black people appeared to lose the elections as their preferred candidates lost the elections. Although African Americans lost the election and control of the party, they had sent a message that they were involved in the political affairs of the US. The journey towards equal rights had just begun, and their rights could not be ignored in any way. Future political activists were motivated by the actions of a group of African Americans who helped in the formation of the party. The Black Power movement emerged after the Civil Rights Movement that was fighting for the rights of the African American (Joseph, 2006). Even though it was not an official movement, the Black Power movement defined the relationship between the blacks and whites and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How does addiction affect high school students (15-18 years old) Essay

How does addiction affect high school students (15-18 years old) grades or school performance - Essay Example tained by them are also influenced by the factors like setting proper priorities, maintaining pleasing attitudes and demonstrating acceptable behavioral practices. And., it is reported that the proportion of students that falls in the above category is only 40 % of the school population (Nelson et al, 2001). It is equally surprising that atleast a quarter of the high school leaving children felt unhappy and supportless and another 15 percent have the history of either attempting or committing suicide (Nelson et al, 2001). A closer introspection clearly reveals that the contributory factors for such disturbing situations are tobacco addiction, alcohol abuse, wide variation in the mental state like depression and bipolar disorder, unbearable loss of loved one, humiliation and easy access to very lethal systems (Nelson et al, 2001). Among these, addiction to tobacco is found to be the easiest trap to which students easily fell due to the easiness in availability of the products and rela tively lower social stigma attached to this habit when compared to others in the list. Thus this research study is undertaken with the objective to investigate how the academic performance in schools are affected as a result of addiction, more specifically to tobacco smoking. A research study carried out among a set of school children have given wide ranging reasons for getting addicted to the tobacco products, mostly for smoking (Dongre et al, 2008). It says that nearly 50 percent of the students succumb to smoking in school due to the peer pressure. The next contributing factor is for curiosity to explore the â€Å"pleasures† in the process. A small fraction of students, about 8 percent, resort to tobacco claiming it to have a curative value (Dongre et al, 2008). Another research conducted to understand the psychosocial predictors in the onset of the tobacco smoking shows a strong relationship with four different factors. These are categorized as social and interpersonal

Monday, October 14, 2019

Juno Movie Analysis Essay

Juno Movie Analysis Essay Females have been stereotyped, from the prefect wife to the maid.. Whatever the role, television, film and popular magazines are full of images of women and girls who are typically white, desperately thin, with flawless skin. However, female stereotypes continue to thrive in the media we consume every day. In 2007, director Jason Reitman, brought fourth into the world A comedy about growing up And the bumps along the way. It started as an independent film phenomenon but soon grew into a motion picture that captured the hearts and minds of millions of people. The movie was entitled Juno. Juno reflects the changing gender issues and social attitudes regarding teenage pregnancy. Since the movie was release, there have been quite a few television shows with teen pregnancy as the main theme, namely ABC Familys The Secret Life of the American Teenager in 2008 and MTVs Sixteen and Pregnant in 2008 and Teen Mom in 2010. Twenty years ago, movies and TV shows showing teenage pregnancy in such a positive light would have been seen as some kind of dislike and probably never have aired. If the issues of teenage pregnancy were to have come up at all, it would have been seen with very negative connotations. Juno opens the doors for TV shows such as the one mention above and changes the dominant ideology reflecting the change in social attitudes regarding teenage pregnancy and gender roles. Juno tells the story of teenager, Juno McGruff who becomes pregnant after a sexual encounter with her friend Paulie Bleeker. Upon making her mind either keep the baby, have the baby and give it up for adoption, or to have an abortion, Juno decides to have the baby and to give it up for adoption. The rest of the movie goes on to telling the story of Junos pregnancy, including telling her parents that she is pregnant, the process of selecting a family in which to give her child to, her changing relationship with Paulie, and her daily life and struggles as a pregnant high school student. In the end, the parents in which Juno decided to give her baby to, Mark and Vanessa, end up getting a divorce. Yet, Juno still decided to give her baby to Vanessa in the end. This is one of the biggest ways that I think Juno represents the changing gender roles. Aside from one minor meltdown toward the end of the movie, Juno seems to deal with her unplanned pregnancy in a somewhat cheerful, sarcastic ma nor. This shows that an unplanned pregnancy, something that would have been seen as almost unforgivable and an act that would ruin any young womans reputation, nowadays is seen as an almost normal event, even though it may not be the most common. This also shows the evolution of gender roles and values in modern cinema. Finally is the issue of how casual sex is depicted in the film. Juno and Paulie were not in any kind of formal relationship, at least, not at the beginning of the movie, when they had sex and Juno got pregnant. While Juno and Paulie do engage in casual sex, Juno is never called an offensive name, nor does it ever mention that she has been with any other partners in the movie. This depiction of a casual encounter is yet another example of changing gender roles and values within the depiction of teenage women in the media. As most of us know by now, when a girl enters adolescence, she faces a series of loss and changes, the loss of self confidence and not to mention the body changes. As psychologist have pointed out in recent years, adolescent girls in American are afflicted with a range of problem, including low self- esteem, eating disorders, binge drinking, date rape and other dating violence, teen pregnancyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦(Gilligan). Jessica L. speaks of the specific issues with the film in her paper, Sexual Subjectivity: A Semiotic Analysis of Girlhood, Sex and Sexuality in the Film Juno. While situating sexual desire, biological possibilities, and social responses to girls engagement in sexual intercourse at the center of its plot, Juno depicts the transgressive sexual agency of a young girl without substantially disrupting longstanding discourses of femininity. Though an analysis of the semiotics of girlhood within the film, [she] argue[s] that the girl figure in this representation signifies an [combination] of two traditionally [categorized] concepts of femininity. Juno serves as a particularly intriguing example of the ways in which adolescent female sexuality is conceptualized within western culture during the early part of the 21st century (Willis). In her paper, she goes on to commend Diablo Cody, writer of Juno for her representation of Juno, in a visual era lacking widespread representations of strong youth female characters not sexually objectified or singularly defined by their interest in romance (Willis). The way Juno is portrayed as a female character that is not overtly sexualized starts with her basic appearance. Rather than a stereotypical depiction of the female body as a sexual object, sexual desire is visibly expressed and acted upon by the girl character (Willis). The fact that Juno was the one to initiate the sexual contact with Paulie challenges the traditional beliefs of gender roles in the area of teenage sexuality. In the movie Juno, teenage pregnancy is also being displayed in the almost positive way. In other media, pregnancy is displayed showing some kind of negative effect. The way media shows any kind of issue is usually a direct reflection of social values. Angela McRobbie addresses this issue in her book Feminism and Youth Culture. The diversification of forms of media and the sophisticated [shake-up] of various categories of audience require that, while a consensual social morality might still be a political objective, the chances of it being delivered directly through the channels of the media are much less certain (McRobbie). But the question still remains, is media influencing the way we think regard teenage pregnancy, or is it a correct reflection of our changing attitudes? I believe that the media influences the way we think of any issue in this case teen pregnancy. The authors of the article Suddenly Teen Pregnancy is Cool? suggest perhaps a little of both. While they do point out all the instances of teenage pregnancy in recent years of popular culture, Movies like Knocked Up and Waitress, and celebrity moms including Nicole Richie and Jessica Alba, are part of a trend thats sweeping teen culture along with it: American Idol star Fantasia Barrino became a mom at 17, and the last season of Degressi: The Next Generation ended with Emma realizing that she might be pregnant. The media is awash in it, says David Landry, senior research associate at the Guttmacher Institute in New York, a non-profit organization focused on sexual and reproductive health (Gulli). In Conclusion, Juno decides to avoid traditional family roles and still gives her child to Vanessa, even though she and Mark are divorcing. It is not unusual to see a single working mother nowadays, especially more so now than thirty years ago. Even single working mothers are shown more frequently in the media such as in Gilmore Girls and the new show Parenthood. Through the examples of traditional family roles being challenged by Juno still giving Vanessa her baby, a positive representation of unwanted teenage pregnancy, and showing casual sex between teenagers, it is clear that the release of Juno opens the doors for TV shows such as the one mention above and changes the dominant ideology reflecting the change in social attitudes regarding teenage pregnancy and gender roles. We just need to remember like Margaret Mead once said, today our children are not brought up by parents, they are brought up by the mass media (mead).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Great Expectations - Chapter Summaries :: Great Expectations Essays

Great Expectations Notes Chapter 1 Setting: early in the 1800s; Churchyard in tiny village east of London  Joe Gargey and her husband in the Marshes.  His parents died Pip- Phillip Pirrap- main character- 7 years old- Lives w/ sister Mrs. when he was younger  One time while visiting his parents grave he meets a strange man- He asks Pip to get him a file and some writtles (food). Chapter 2 Setting: At home; We meet Joe Gargery, the blacksmith, and Mrs. Joe, Pip’s sister  Joe Gargery and Pip were both brought up by hand  At dinner Pip placed his bread for the convict down the leg of his trousers  The family receives news that Hulks(convicts) are on the loose  Later that night, Pip gets some bread, cheese, pork pie, mincemeat,  brandy, and the file (from the forge, this is where Joe works) Chapter 3 Setting: In the churchyard again; Pip delivers the stolen goods  Pip approached a man who was dressed in coarse grey, and had a great iron on his leg, but this was a different man  Pip saw the right convict hugging himself and limping. He had the chills and the fever  The convict asked Pip if he brought anyone and he said no, and the man believed him  The convict asked Pip where the man w/ the bruised face went. Pip pointed and handed him the file Chapter 4 Setting: At home; Christmas dinner we meet Mr. Pumblechook, Mr. Wopsle, and the Hubbles  Pip was fearful on his return that there would be a police officer waiting for him at home, but no one suspected the robbery  Pip made the excuse that he was listening to Christmas Carols  The guests: Mr. Wopsle- Church’s assistant to a parish priest- Mr. Hubble- one who makes wheels- Uncle Pumblechook- a grain merchant. He also had a chaise-cart  A file of soldiers w/ handcuffs. The wanted Joe to fix the handcuffs  They all go to the marshes in search for the convicts Chapter 5 Se tting: On the marshes; Pursuit  The search party could hear voices calling  They found the two convicts; There was water splashing and mud flying, and oaths were being sworn and blows being struck  They lit torches and marched separating the convicts  In order to take pip out of suspicion, this convict tells the sargent that he stole the food from Joe – The convict was taken on a boat and disappeared into the night Chapter 6 Setting: At home; Pip receives an odd job  Pip learns to write at Mr.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Edmund Kemper:Co-ed Killer :: essays research papers fc

The TV program â€Å"MUGSHOTS† uses the testimony of authorities that worked the case along with interviews with Kemper himself as to what was happening throughout the case from both sides of the story. The product of a broken and abusive home, Edmund Kemper grew up timid and resentful, with a perception of his own inadequacy. Before the age of ten, Kemper graduated to living targets, burying the family cat alive and subsequently cutting off its head, returning with the gruesome trophy to his room, where it was placed on proud display despite his tender age, he brooded over fantasies of love and sex, with violence playing an inevitable role. One afternoon, discussing Edmund's childish crush upon a grade-school teacher, Kemper's sister asked him why he did not simply kiss the woman. Kemper answered, deadpan, "If I kiss her, I would have to kill her first." A second family cat fell victim to his urges; this one hacked with a machete, pieces of the carcass hidden in his closet until his mother accidentally discovered them. Kemper's mother first packed him off to live with her estranged husband, and then - after running away - the boy was delivered to his paternal grandparents , residing on a remote California ranch. There, in August 1963, fourteen-year-old Kemper shot his grandmother with a .22-caliber rifle, afterward stabbing her body repeatedly with a kitchen knife. When his grandfather came home, Kemper shot the old man as well, leaving him dead in the yard. Interrogated by authorities, Kemper could only say "I just wondered how it would feel to shoot Grandma." Motiveless violence displayed in his actions got Kemper committed to the state's maximum-security hospital in Atascadero. In 1969, a 21-year-old behemoth grown to six-foot-nine and some 300 pounds, Kemper was paroled to his mother's custody over the objections of the state psychiatrists. During Kemper's enforced absence, his mother had settled in Santa Cruz, a college town whose population boasted thousands of attractive co-eds. For the next two years, through 1970 and '71, Kemper bided his time, holding odd jobs and cruising the highways in his leisure time, picking up dozens of you ng female hitchhikers, refining his approach, his "line," until, he knew that he could put them totally at ease. Some evenings, he would frequent a saloon patronized by off-duty policemen, rubbing shoulders with the law and soaking up their tales of crime, becoming friendly with a number of detectives who would later be assigned to track him down.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Don’t blame the eater

Don't Blame the Eater, Blame the Eating Industry In terms of personal health, the borders of proper nutrition are similar to that of a jail cell. Zinczenko points outs the restrictive nature of food within modern day Am erica. A generalized point of view that can be taken from this is that the fast food industry is incredibly convenient and affordable for necessary needs to live and thrive in modern day America. Zinczenko brings in examples that involve personal experiences in his family, as well as an argument that the convenience and affordability issues a large health problem itself.While obesity can be seens as ither a personal or societal issue, Zinczenko proposes that the issue on obesity is a societal issue based on the circumstances of cheap-and-fast fast food restaurants, which is a reasonable claim based on Zinczenko's point of view. Affordable, efficient, and convenient food may help the population, however, it is a market based on unhealthy practices. The author elaborate s on the convenience in a matter of personal story, in which his choice as a fifteen-year-old would be â€Å"McDonald's, Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken or Pizza Hut† (Zinczenko 391).With this personal experience, he can sympathize with a population that needs fast food ecause he witnessed it as an â€Å"the only available option for an American kid to get an affordable meal† (Zinczenko 392). Luckily enough, the author managed to reach to college and fix his eating habits. He is reaching out to a vast population that shares a similar experience or lifestyle, which encompass a large amount of people, thus creating a personal approach to the topic of obesity. Along with his noted personal experience, the raw statistics and facts about obesity back his claim on fast food being a primary catalyst for obesity in America.Driving down the block to eat healthy is a bit of a stretch when there are â€Å"more than 3,000 McDonald's restaurants† in the country (Zinczenko 392). The crippling statistics under the cases of obesity since 1994 also carry a charming state of nausea and face-melting characteristics: diabetes now had more than one cause. Childhood diabetes was generally caused by genetic disorder before 1994, with only a 5% statistic being obesity-related. Today, obesity-related diabetes â€Å"accounts for at least 30 percent of all new childhood cases of diabetes in this country' (Zinczenko 392).The calorie counts in fast-food salads can ascend to â€Å"around 1040 calories,† and it is vidently hazardous when a salad can cost you â€Å"half of the government's recommended daily calorie intake† (Zinczenko 393). Obesity, on an objective point of view, is a developing problem due to the efficient and affordable nature of fast food. The author mentions his personal experience with fast food and how it is a problem beyond personal preference, and my personal experiences lead me to fully agree. With this in mind, fast food is a ve ry efficient source of food to me.With a hectic lifestyle or even a hectic household, fast food can be one of the few places to go. I do not have all the time in the world to get a proper source of nutrition. School and work constitute my time on a daily basis, and in that case, fast food helps relieve that time in order to focus on the priorities in my life. My source of coffee in the McDonalds, other gas stations) and my quick source of mediocre nutrition. In this day and age of living, food is not a big priority to people, it is always there at convenience.There is no time to worry about what you are going to eat because there is a test or report for you to do in class, or you have to make it to work on time; ime is very limited and restrictive. I can sympathize with Zenczenko's point of view on the need for fast food in a hectic lifestyle. Not only does the author mention the social stigmas that surround fast food and obesity, but also the crude facts that are the nutritional va lues of fast food and its impact on obesity.Although I do carry a hectic lifestyle, in which my go-to source of food would be a fast food place, it carries significant stress and impact on my life. Over the past school year, with work and school, my usual breakfast would include a Monster energy drink and a McChicken from McDonalds. Though this did not affect my weight, it affected my productivity. No physical withdrawals were the side effect but I was absent-minded to my convenience food intake that let me make it throughout the day.The author points out physical consequences of convenient food; however, I faced psychological and mental consequences when eating convenient food. Zunczenko proposes a very thoughtful understanding to the nature of obesity. The author constitutes the matter of obesity as a societal issue because of convenient food rather than a personal stigma. Our society hosts more than 13,000 McDonalds n its land, and since we continue to trade our money for their i nstant sustenance, I do agree that obesity is a societal issue.Expedient food helps shape the busy and it is good for the quick knick of hunger, but it is not good for the healthy nutrients our society actually needs. The convenience and affordability of â€Å"food† from the fast food industry is the convicted criminal that is building bad health habits and furthering obesity in todays society. Works Cited Zinczenko, David. â€Å"Don't Blame the Eater. † They Say, I Say. Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein. New York: W. W. Norton ; Company, Inc. , 2012. 391-394. Don’t Blame the Eater David Zincked up to the point that we have to take ‘personal responsibility for our rise in obesity, I cannot agree that he targets his opinion on that fast food restaurants are to blame. In my opinion the personal responsibility is on the parents in how they choose to teach, guide or show by example on how to make healthy choices. Temptations are everywhere, our parents tell us not to eat dirt, so we don't so why is the choice of something healthy over Junk so difficult.Let us take for instance when our kids go off to school, majority of parents pack their kids' inches, usually consisting of a drink, sandwich, vegetable or fruit, and a small treat. It is when our kids are at home that parents tend to forget the healthy choice and choose the cardboard box processed foods, or the, pop in the microwave dinners, that are contributing to the obesity in their children.Convenience is not the healthy choice. Our school systems have also recognized the need for more healthy alternative s within their cafeterias offering the breakfast and hot lunch program making the overstretched, over committed parent comfortable with knowing that at least at school our kids are eating healthy. Vending machines have been thrown out, leaving little to no temptation. So should parents not do the same within their homes?So should we sue our parents for our obesity or the McDonald's down the street who is only trying to build their sales like any other department store? You don't need to count calories to know If something Is healthy. You should Just know that a hamburger and fries Is not the better choice compared to a salad and fruit drink. I say â€Å"teach your children that If they don't know what they are eating, don't eat It' ‘ Make the healthy choice and get outside!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Immanuel Kant Metaphysics of Morals Essay

Kant argued that moral requirements are based on a standard of rationality he dubbed the â€Å"Categorical Imperative† (CI). Immorality thus involves a violation of the CI and is thereby irrational. This argument was based on his striking doctrine that a rational will must be regarded as autonomous, or free in the sense of being the author of the law that binds it. The fundamental principle of morality ? the CI ? is none other than this law of an autonomous will. Thus, at the heart of Kant’s moral philosophy is a conception of reason whose reach in practical affairs goes well beyond that of a Humean ?slave’ to the passions. Moreover, it is the presence of this self-governing reason in each person that Kant thought offered decisive grounds for viewing each as possessed of equal worth and deserving of equal respect. In Kant’s terms, a good will is a will whose decisions are wholly determined by moral demands or as he refers to this, by the Moral Law Kant’s analysis of commonsense ideas begins with the thought that the only thing good without qualification is a ? good will’. While the phrases ? he’s good hearted’, ? she’s good natured’ and ? she means well’ are common, ? the good will’ as Kant thinks of it is not the same as any of these ordinary notions. The idea of a good will is closer to the idea of a ? good person’, or, more archaically, a ? person of good will’ The basic idea is that what makes a good person good is his possession of a will that is in a certain way ? determined’ by, or makes its decisions on the basis of, the moral law The idea of a good will is supposed to be the idea of one who only makes decisions that she holds to be morally worthy, taking moral considerations in themselves to be conclusive reasons for guiding her behavior. This sort of disposition or character is something we all highly value. Kant believes we value it without limitation or qualification. First, unlike anything else, there is no conceivable circumstance in which we regard our own moral goodness as worth forfeiting simply in order to obtain some desirable object Second, as a consequence, possessing and maintaining one’s moral goodness is the very condition under which anything else is worth having or pursuing. Intelligence and even pleasure are worth having only on the condition that they do not require giving up a commitment to honor one’s fundamental moral convictions In Kant’s terms, a good will is a will whose decisions are wholly determined by moral demands or as he refers to this, by the Moral Law A holy ordivine will, if it exists, though good, would not be good because it is motivated by thoughts of duty. argues that a dutiful action from any of these motives, however praiseworthy it may be, does not express a good will and other outcomes of lawful behavior. Indeed, we respect these laws to the degree, but only to the degree, that they do not violate values, laws or principles we hold more dear. Yet Kant thinks in acting from duty that we are not at all motivated by a prospective outcome or some other extrinsic feature of our conduct. We are motivated by the mere conformity of our will to law as such Kant holds that the fundamental principle at the basis of all of our moral duties is a categoricalimperative. It is an imperative because it is a command (e. g. , â€Å"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.†) More precisely, it commands us to exercise our wills in a particular way, not to perform some action or other. It is categorical in virtue of applying to us unconditionally, or simply because we possesses rational wills, without reference to any ends that we might or might not have. It does not, in other words, apply to us on the condition that we have antecedently adopted some goal for ourselves. Kant’s first formulation of the CI states that you are to â€Å"act only in accordance with that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it become a universal law. † First, formulate a maxim that enshrines your reason for acting as you propose. Second, recast that maxim as a universal law of nature governing all rational agents, and so as holding that all must, by natural law, act as you yourself propose to act in these circumstances. Third, consider whether your maxim is even conceivable in a world governed by this law of nature. If it is, then, fourth, ask yourself whether you would, or could, rationally will to act on your maxim in such a world. If you could, then your action is morally permissible. Kant held that ordinary moral thought recognized moral duties toward ourselves as well as toward others. Hence, together with the distinction between perfect and imperfect duties, we recognize four categories of duties: perfect duties toward ourselves, perfect duties toward others, imperfect duties toward ourselves and imperfect duties toward others Kant’s example of a perfect duty to others concerns a promise you might consider making but have no intention of keeping in order to get needed money At the heart of Kant’s moral theory is the position that rational human wills are.