Friday, October 18, 2019

Myers Briggs personality Inventory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Myers Briggs personality Inventory - Essay Example The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator instrument makes use of four dichotomies which differentiate one people from another and consign them as ‘type preference’. The four dichotomies are as follows: Extraversion-Introversion: This indicates whether people have a preference over acquiring personal energy from the external world of actions and people or from internal world of thoughts as well as ideas. Extraverts get easily adjusted to the external environment and prefer to involve in large groups of people. They enjoy while working in groups, learn anything by discussing with others, act in any circumstances without thinking and are expressive as well as outgoing. Introverts may act slowly over any action. They are accustomed to the inner world and prefer to communicate with others through writing than talking. They enjoy while working alone and learn anything through psychological practice. For example, extravert prefers to talk to people and introvert prefers to read books. S ensing-Intuition: This indicates the way through which people take information whether they focus on actual or real based meaning or prefer to apply or interpret the meaning to what they observe. The people who have a preference over sensing use facts and detailed information as well as give emphasis to realistic object. They take time and examine carefully before taking any conclusion. They use their five senses while observing and memorising certain things. The people, who prefer intuition, provide emphasis to hypothetical object and visualise any matter. They quickly jump into conclusion without proper judgement. They use their sixth sense while observing certain things (Prem, n.d.). For example, people who prefer sensing is down-to-earth and extremely dependent on past experiences where as people who prefer intuition are considered idealists and rely much on the future (Prem, n.d.). Thinking-Feeling: This indicates the way through which people make decision whether the people is depended on their rational thinking or influenced by their concern for themselves and others. The people who prefer thinking is analytical. Besides solving problem logically they also provide realistic solution and endeavour for right objective pattern. They use cause-and-effect analysis while taking any decision. They want that everyone should be treated equally without discrimination. The people who prefer feeling are empathetic and kind in nature. They are guided by individual value and want everyone to be treated as an individual. They try hard for harmony as well as positive relations among each individual (Prem, n.d.). For example, people who prefer feeling over thinking are usually predominant in helpful professions which include counsellors. They provide emphasis to fulfil the need of other people and may seek realistic

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