Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Environmental CSR Related Issues in South Africa - 1827 Words

7. Corruption: Corruption is the theft or abuse of a country’s funds to benefit only the person committing the act. Corruption in South Africa is most evident under officials who abuse taxpayer’s money for their own benefit. Officials purchase expensive possessions and ignore the demands of the people. Corruption and fraud has caused the bankruptcy of many businesses in South Africa and has resulted in further poverty and unemployment. Government is doing little to combat corruption and fraud, but unsurprisingly as many high ranking government officials are guilty of corruption. Many businesses commit fraud and corruption simply to receive a higher tax return or Directors who increase their own salaries, thus postponing the transformation†¦show more content†¦2. Air and Water Pollution: Air and water pollution is the main contributing factor to the dwindling water resources and the increased rates of Global Warming. South Africa is one of the leading countries when it comes to carbon emissions. This is a call for major concern as South Africa is not taking the necessary steps to curb air pollution. South Africa and its business sector has invested very little in renewable energies to be used instead of fossil fuels. Most of South Africa is powered by coal, most South Africans have their own vehicles (due to the poor public transport system) and companies are going unchecked. Air pollution not only affects the environment, but the general health of society. Water pollution is another concern in South Africa as many factories pump harmful chemicals into rivers, raw sewage is left to leak into rivers, air pollution causing acid rain which intoxicates any water source and the poor management of waste which pollutes and kills aquatic life in rivers and so on. This diminishes the limited available drinking water of South Africa, which is also endangering of desertification. The lack of adequate supervision to enforce environmental laws and standards is to blame for the poor compliance to policies. However, government is trying to enforce stricter laws through the New Company’s Act where organizations will be forced through law to establish committees to oversee the various aspects ofShow MoreRelatedDefining The Meaning Of Corporate Social Responsibility1600 Words   |  7 PagesResponsibility Till now, there is no concrete definition of CSR in international level, as it is difficult to identify the boundaries of CSR. Therefore, there are several definitions to describe what the CSR policy is. However, it is noted [1] that CSR meaning is different from countries to other countries and depends upon a range of factors including culture, religion, and governmental or legislative conditions. 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