Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Why You Should Get a PhD in Chemistry

If you are interested in chemistry or another science career, there are multiple reasons why you should consider pursuing your doctorate or Ph.D., rather than stopping at a masters degree or a bachelors degree. More Money Lets start with a compelling reason for higher education -- money. There is no guarantee that having a terminal degree will earn the big bucks (dont get into science for money), but there are several states and companies that compute salaries based on education. The education can count for several years of experience. In some situations, a Ph.D. has access to a pay scale not offered to persons without the terminal degree, no matter how much experience he or she has. More Career Options In the US, you cant teach college-level courses without at least 18 graduate hours in the same field of study. However, Ph.D.s technically can teach college courses in any field. In academia, a Masters degree may provide a glass ceiling for advancement, especially to management positions. The terminal degree offers more research options, including some lab management positions not available otherwise, as well as post-doctoral positions. Prestige In addition to getting the Doctor in front of your name, having a Ph.D. commands a certain level of respect, particularly in scientific and academic circles. There are individuals who feel a Ph.D. is pretentious, but with work experience too, even these folk usually concede a Ph.D. is an expert in his or her field. More Affordable Education If you are seeking a Masters degree, you will probably have to pay for it. On the other hand, teaching and research assistantships and tuition reimbursement usually are available for doctoral candidates. It would cost a school or research facility considerably more money to pay outright for such skilled labor. Dont feel you have to get a Masters degree before pursuing a Doctorate. Different schools have different requirements, but a Bachelors degree is usually sufficient to get admitted into a Ph.D. program. Its Easier to Start Your Own Company You dont need a terminal degree to start a business, but credibility comes with that Ph.D., giving you a leg up gaining investors and creditors. Lab equipment isnt cheap, so dont expect people to invest in you unless they believe you know what youre doing. Reasons Not to Get a Ph.D. in Chemistry While there are good reasons to pursue a doctoral degree, its not for everyone. Here are reasons not to get a Ph.D. or at least to delay it. Long Term Low Income You probably didnt finish your bachelors and masters degree with a lot of excess cash. It might be in your best interest to give your finances a break and start working. You Need a Break Dont go into a Ph.D. program if you already feel burnt out, since it will take a lot out of you. If you dont have energy and a good attitude when you start, you probably wont see it through to the end or you may get your degree but not enjoy chemistry anymore.

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