Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Do school vouchers improve the quality of education Research Paper

Do school vouchers improve the quality of education - Research Paper Example . Non-voucher education systems compel guardians who take their children to private schools to double taxation, since they still contribute to public schools funding. Generally, school vouchers are put in place to offset the cost incurred by families who choose to enroll their children to private schools that best fit their needs in a bid to improve their performance and quality of education (Altidor, 2005, p.15). School vouchers were first introduced with the aim of improving the quality of both the elementary and secondary school education with regards to Milton Friedman’s proposition in the 1950s. Parents and guardians seeking to provide high quality education for their children have contributed greatly to renewed interests in school vouchers. School voucher proposals seek to support households that choose to enroll their children in private schools through vouchers from the government to cover private school tuition costs either partly or fully. Arguments in support of the school voucher programs claim that through this program, households with are able to encourage educational systems competition that would go a long way in enhancing the quality of education that is being offered among the competing schools.Arguments in support of the school voucher place emphasis of aspects that suggests that students from low-income households who are enrolled in private schools have a higher probability of achieving higher performance levels on standardized tests unlike those in public schools.

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