Friday, August 2, 2019

Oedipus Complex in Hamlet

Oedipus Complex in Hamlet In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Hamlet’s personality can be explained by the Oedipus Complex. Throughout the play there are many times where he proves that he has Oedipus Complex. Oedipus Complex was not around at the time that that Hamlet was written. It just shows that Shakespeare saw the same personality complex’ as Freud. Freud first named the Oedipus Complex Theory in his book , An Interpretation of Dreams, in 1899. Freud states â€Å"The child takes both of its parents, and more particularly one of them, as the object of its erotic wishes. Freud explains that it is normal to have sexual desires for the parent of the opposite sex. These are normal in children and usually dissipate after the age of five. When these sexual desires do not go away and they continue into adulthood this is when someone would be considered to have an Oedipus Complex. When there is a sexual desire for the mother, as Hamlet did, a rivalry is formed between the fat her and the son. Hamlet’s father is in a form of a ghost, that only he can communicate with. He was murdered while Hamlet was away at school. When he returns he finds his mother, Gertrude, remarried to his father’s brother Claudius.This infuriates Hamlet, and brings out his repressed Oedipus Complex. This drives Hamlet crazy. He is consumed and outraged by this incestuous marriage. Now I use the word incestuous because in those days it was considered incest to marry your husband’s brother. What needs to be explained is exactly what Hamlet it is upset over. It is to be assumed that he is outraged because Claudius has replaced his own father’s place next to his mother. This is not the case. Hamlet is upset because Claudius has taken his place next to his mother. Hamlet’s deepest wish is to be king and his mother, Gertrude, queen.Thus proving the Oedipus Complex theory further. Children will have feeling of hate toward the parent of the same sex this theory states. Hamlet has many hateful tendencies towards both of his fathers, Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, and Claudius. We know from reading the play that Hamlet’s father was not affectionate or spend any quality time with him. He spent a lot of time at war. Although he had anger towards him, he could never show it. He repressed it. For Claudius on the other hand, Hamlet’s feelings of hatred are expressed much more openly. Hamlet internally fights with his feelings towards Claudius.His father has come to him as a ghost, telling him that Claudius is responsible for his murder. Hamlet must avenge his father, but struggles to do so. Subconsciously, Hamlet identifies with Claudius. Hamlet envies Claudius for killing his father and taking his position next to Gertrude. This is everything Hamlet has subconsciously wanted to do. So in essence he cannot kill Claudius because, in part, he would be killing himself. Hamlet is consumed with thoughts of his mother having sexual relations with Claudius. A very significant part of the play is Act III Scene IV.This is where Hamlet and his mother meet in her closet. The closet is very meaningful because this signifies hiding. The bedroom is significant because this is where private situations occur. Maybe Shakespeare played out this important scene in the bedroom to show the sexual feelings Hamlet has for his mother. In this scene Hamlet confronts his mother about her relationship with Claudius. He does not come off as a son asking concerning questions towards his mother. He acts jealous while he asks her how she can stand to be touched by him. These are not normally son to mother questions.He is explicit in what he says and concentrates of her sexual acts between her and Claudius. You could explain it more as an obsession. At the end of this scene it is obvious that Hamlet is jealous of the attention Gertrude is giving Claudius. Hamlet, as a child, would have found pleasure in these feelings towards his moth er, but now it is a feeling of disgust. This further proves the Oedipus Complex Theory. Hamlet is so consumed with his mother’s relationship with Claudius. He in turns shows similar feelings towards Ophelia. He toys with her emotions as he feels Gertrude toys with his.Throughout the play Hamlet is struggling with his repressed feelings towards his mother, his hatred for his fathers, and avenging his father. The same reason he could never act out on his hatred for his father is the same reason he must avenge him. It is his moral code. He struggles with avenging his father though because he is so focused on the incestuous relationship between his mother and Claudius. He can’t truly avenge his father until Gertrude dies. At that time the Oedipus Complex is released and he is able to carry out his duties and kill Claudius.

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